Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry differs from traditional dentistry, as it is elective treatment designed to enhance and improve the look of a smile. Such treatments include teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, tooth coloured fillings, and correcting chipped orunevenly spaced teeth.

Dental fillings can now be considered cosmetic dentistry. While fillings used to be visible and usually black or gold in colour, fillings today can be made out of porcelain and are often used to treat decayed teeth. Porcelain fillings are tooth coloured and are often selected to replace old fillings, resulting in an improved appearance.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures

There are various cosmetic dentistry procedures performed to enhance the appearance of a smile. Treatments range from correcting minor flaws in the smile to severe tooth discolouration, missing teeth, and uneven spacing between teeth.

Looking to improve your smile?

We can help improve your smile with a variety of available cosmetic dentistry treatments. If you have older white fillings that have become stained or if you have metal fillings, we can replace them with tooth coloured fillings to make your smile whiter. If you have cracked, chipped, crooked, or missing teeth, we can use crowns, bridges, and veneers to enhance your smile.

For more information on how we can help you enhance your smile, give us a call today on (08) 9451 1749.